I am but a speck in this vast Universe, a mere stage hand in the grand play of the Universe. My life is no more than a pebble or grain of sand on the beach of all that is. And yet... so much revolves around my very presence.
Or does it?
I awoke this morning pondering some financial goals and though my dreams are for abundance of money energy, my head could not wrap itself around the who would pay me that kind of cash. Surely I would have to win a lottery or come into an inheritance of some sort. WOW!
There was an amazing revelation in that moment. I do not think what I offer this life is of value -- that kind of economic value. To see myself holding this belief, I could suddenly see all the truths of it. I recollected all the thoughts about each job I undertook. I saw my insecurity in offering my fees as a personal trainer, my disbelief in myself to be a life coach -- who would pay me $75/hr to help them figure out what they really want in their life? Who would by my books? Who would ...
Well, ironically, a lot of people do. I get paid to teach Yoga, I get paid to teach climbing movement, I get paid to mentor people. I get paid to write. I am still getting paid for a book I wrote 9 years ago. Why then can I not accept this abundance freely? Why to I question my own value to the Universe? Not only do I question it, I limit it. That is I with a capital I.
The turnaround - I am part of the Divine - all creator of the Universe. I am an integral part of the lives of so many in ways I cannot even imagine. I offer love - and truth. Immeasurable value to the lives of so many. I am not owed for each other person on this planet offers in kind. But we each have unlimited value we bring -- it is our own heart that puts the cap on it.
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