Sunday, March 4, 2012

Mining truth

Cereal or oatmeal?
To get up or not to get up?
To go to work with a positive attitude or to go with dread?
Everything is a choice. What makes that choice? Is it from the reactive part of my brain, from habit, or from my memory or from a sense of what I know to be true? Or does it come from a place deeper?
Most time I do not even think about where it comes from. Most of the time the choice is made with a limited degree of consideration. Last summer, I attended a training on discovering what you really want and developing a strategy for heading in the right direction. The doing was left with me. As I have progressed through this process of trying to fulfill my desires, I have become very aware that when I take a moment to witness a less helpful choice, and in that pause, I remember what I really want, then sometimes, I choose differently. Eventually, as I repeat this process, it gets a little easier. Some days, it gets harder again.
I am also very aware, that the choices and the process doesn't end there. It is a choice again to continue to work with the process, or not.

The training? Yoga for Fulfillment. A choice you should consider. ;)

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