Sunday, February 6, 2011


Last week as I waited for Fynn to finish his Spell Read session, I sat next to a woman who is fast becoming a friend. I was leafing through the pages of the Home Guide and pondering what was out there. It was quite apparent to me that there were lots of possibilities but very few that fit my criteria. "Still considering moving?" she commented as much as asked. I said, "yes" perhaps more then a little defensively. I have lots of reasons to consider moving. My sons school and my work is 25 km at least away, as are all his friends. This means we drive a lot. This year we have been away from the house for 12 hours at a time, easy. When home we are rushing a meal and homework, then sleep. It feels very busy.
"I really want to have a decent yard and be near water." I elaborated.
"It would be really hard to give up what you have." she said. "The view, close to the water, a pond up your road."
"Yes," my mind reeled through the images of my neighbor Stuart plowing my driveway, my dog running over to Barb and Brian's house for his daily visit. My view... so gorgeous to see the waves crash over Sambro Island. A smile settled on my lips and a warmth filled my chest. For the first time in a few weeks, I settle into my home in my heart again, reminded that it is not changing my home that will make the difference, it is changing my way of living. I do not want more time to meet these responsibilities, I want fewer responsibilities so I can meet the ones I keep with the best I have to offer. That is where peace and happiness rest.

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