Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Taping into the life force

Last Friday Shari Friedrichsen taught a class at 108 Yoga. There were no sun salutes, no powerful poses,no head stand or arm balances. Just bridge, warrior one, garudasana arms. And yet, the effect was profound. Shari walked us through linking physical movement to the movement of energy in the chakras, those illusive energy centres of the body that we hear about and really don't get.

Yoga is not the asana. Rather, the asana is a tool to allow us to experience the energy. Energy is subtle and elusive; just when you think you could name it, you realize you are uncertain. Energy is a shift in experience, it is the feeling of space or of heat, lightness, that was not there before. But energy is the life force, the very essence of who you are and how you express yourself in the world. Energy influences the mind and emotions, the functioning of the physical body.

Next time you go to your mat, be curious. Move through the layers of physical tissue, explore the inner working of the body with each breath. As that breath moves through an area you are expanding, feel the openness and lightness, and you will start to experience that energy.

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