Monday, December 12, 2011

Living Happiness

12 Things Happy People Do Differently
~by Jacob Sokol of Sensophy

Studies conducted by positivity psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky point to 12 things happy people do differently to increase their levels of happiness. These are things that we can start doing today to feel the effects of more happiness in our lives. (Check out her book The How of Happiness.)

1) Express gratitude. – Thank you Divine Universe for this beautiful child I get to raise, the co-workers I get to share the day with and my friends and family who surround me with love.
2) Cultivate optimism. – In this moment right now, I am healthy, breathing and full of vitality and so are the people I love.
3) Avoid over-thinking and social comparison. –God grant me the serenity to know the difference between what I can change and what I cannot.
4) Practice acts of kindness. – The greatest kindness I have to offer right now is the joy of knowing all the wonderful people in my life. Tell me if I can add to your life in any way.
5) Nurture social relationships. – This means, I will definitely be celebrating with friends this Friday night -- even if we need to leave a little early.
6) Develop strategies for coping. – my go to coping mechanism involves salt, self help books and perhaps some furniture making. I'll do my best to stick to the healthier ones this season.
7) Learn to forgive. – Rod said, "You don't forgive, you learn to love." I believe this and practice keeping my heart open.
8) Increase flow experiences - this is play. When time passes and you have no idea where it went.
9) Savour life’s joys. – I love the Xmas lights and the beautiful sunrises and sunsets lately.
10) Commit to your goals. – I am committed to being the best mom I can be. I am committed to embracing all of my life and staying curious and open. I am committed to serving the Divine however I can.
11) Practice spirituality. – I sit with Divine love daily.
12) Take care of your body. - Play. More play. I notice how great it feels to move, extend in asana!

How's your list!

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