Friday, May 20, 2011

Worth it

So busy getting things done. Arrived at lacrosse late. We lost the game by a whooping 11-3. Arriving home, the package Fynn was expecting hadn't arrived. There is so much more still to do tomorrow.

Checked out the news and the story about Oprah's show. Watched an amazing video of a woman dying of cancer who video tapes messages for her daughter.
And I am sitting here feeling sorry for myself! I am not sick, I have years of life as far as I know with my son. A bright future, a beautiful home. I do not have problems. It seemed selfish to think I did.

Then I realized everyones problem feels just as big to them and we all to some degree feel that pain at one point or another in our lives.
No, the tantra approach is that you acknowledge your desires and pursue them. Not acknowledging or pursuing your dreams is telling yourself you are not worth it.
I am worth it.

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