Saturday, January 29, 2011

One breath at a time.

I sit on my mat and follow my breath deeper into a forward bend. As I breathe in, I can feel the expansion of my ribs and the added physical discomfort. As I exhale, I become more aware of the lengthening of my hamstrings and the physical expression that come with it. As I twist to the right, I experience the combined compression and lengthening. To the left, slightly different, but still the discomfort is there. I enjoy this feeling of physical length and the muscular strain that comes with it. I have become very skilled at moving with it on my breath and that makes it possible and even enjoyable.

I reflect then on how this is really no different then moving beyond the challenges off the mat. It is difficult to move on and into new relationships, to move into a different career, to move into the challenges of growing children. Really challenge and discomfort are just challenge and discomfort.

Can I just ride the breath and take it one inhale and exhale at a time? Noticing the expansion that occurs with each breath. Can I just move one step, one breath, at a time toward the completion of a big hairy audacious goal, (BHAG), just as I ride one breath at a time into a pose?

Am I prepared to challenge myself to lengthen toward my BHAGs each and every day? You bet because I know one breath at a time, there is Joy and excitement in the discomfort.
Want to join me?

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