Thursday, January 19, 2012

Finding the zone

There are a vast array of experiences I have had in rock climbing with years of pursuing the next level, again and again. Always in search of that moment - No, not the moment of success. The moment is when everything drops away and I am fully present in the experience. The moment of no thinking, no fear, no anxiety or anticipation, the moment of clarity.

As a settled in mom of a busy 10 year old, I have few opportunities to experience this in climbing. Fortunately, the experience is not dependent on the activity, rather it is dependent on a process of letting go and trusting. This is something I found in Yoga. Watch the following video of a Master explaining what Yoga is really all about. Thank you Rod, I am so blessed for this guiding presence in my life.

"It is something that is alive. The power of potential in each of us."

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