Wednesday, August 10, 2011


This summer I have had the pleasure of working with some youth who have not had the start in life I have had. The truth of their early life has been abandonment, beatings and abuse. Not surprisingly, they come into the lives of those who have not suffered similar experiences and respond very differently to people telling them "no!" They respond violently. They try to take power if it is not given. They close themselves off from others.

Is this really any different than the riots in London?
Is this really any different than the hundreds of investors pulling out of their stocks, further causing the decline in the market?

All powered by fear. Fear of not having any power, they grip and covet what they have, what they can control. I am no different. And yet in all that holding, there is no peace, no contentment, no getting what one really wants. Opening and accepting what is, finding a skillful way to work with it.... that is where real power lies. That is where real contentment and peace can be found.

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