Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Resolve to evolve

Many years ago now, Nick and I were climbing in Rifle Mountain Park in Colorado. It was late September and the temps were perfect for sending hard projects. Nick was so close to sending his 5.14b and I my first 5.13. On a rest day we went to town and learned via voicemail that we had lost our sponsorship. We were devastated and at a loss of what to do. To make a long story short... we had decided to leave the canyon and return to Nova Scotia. I would try to get a teaching job and Nick would possibly go back to working at the Trail Shop in the interim. As we were driving out of the canyon a fellow climber pulled us over and said,

"Eventually people will not remember who did the first or second ascent of a route, but you will always remember what you accomplished and what you walked away from."

With a new year on the horizon and the noticing of days turning into years, it is a great statement to reflect on. Many of us will set New Years resolutions with gusto and we will embark on becoming who we want to become. But what will we do when our sponsorship is pulled... and it gets hard?

Again I will reiterate... it takes a coach, and our friend who reminded us why we climb was that coach in that moment. Who will be your coach to help you through the hard moments?

It takes a desire you really believe in.
Don't just resolve to lose weight, resolve to feel light and energized.
Don't resolve to find a new job, resolve to be working at something that is really exciting and inspiring.

Resolve to become the person you wish to become.

PS For my regular readers... just torn up cardboard and paper from the fire box on day 2.

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