Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Breaking the Rules

In The Four Desires, there is an exercise of doing fearless action for 48 hours. "It means saying yes to the things your inner voice says yes to and no to things your inner voice says no to." Lately I have toyed with the idea of doing this exercise and every time I do, there is an inner voice that says, "you have too many responsibilities to make this work. You will fail."

As I began my meditation this morning, I could hear the inner voice saying,"do we have to? We should take the dogs for a walk first. Or you could do your writing."

The cortex responded, "no, if we don't do it now, it may not happen and that would be bad. Stick to the plan."

I attempted to meditate. And realized just how many rules I live by. I do not live by an inner voice, I live by rules. We get up at a certain time, we meditate at a certain time. We are supposed to do agni sara. We have a new rule - thanks to my friend KT - eat before having coffee. We let the dogs out for a pee and feed them before I eat. My whole day is dictated by a schedule and when that schedule doesn't work out, I have a lot of frustration.

Well, for the next 48 hours, let's just try this fearless action. Let's just do what the inner voice says and see what happens. This should be really good... considering I have 4 invites for evening visits and as yet I am somewhat undecided. And the inner voice has already mentioned midnight mass and the cortex revolted with how that would wreck the schedule.


1 comment:

  1. I love this...and it helps me, too, Heather, and rings so true! I did it a bit this morning for my meditation practice, the Inner Voice said "Have your special tea while you meditate" (with my "nanna," whose photos sits on my altar with me, a toddler, sitting on her lap). It was Divine. Thank you.
