Sunday, December 13, 2009


Love -- it is energy we radiate out. This radiation of love is what connects us to the energy of others and draws energy together and can transform it into something that seems to have even exponential potential.

I see people who radiate loads of this energy through smiles and hugs. Positive love. And yet, I cannot get connected to it. Why? Is it the the offer is not real? Is it that when I try to force a connection, the connection cannot be made because there is not an alchemy of the two energies. Perhaps for me I am approaching with a vampire nature and the desire to take energy away blocks a potential connection.

Perhaps there is just the lack of awareness of what I and everyone else is doing with their energy. Maybe it is the very lack of intentionality that is the problem in making the connection. Why does anyone of us want a connection to another? Validation that we are okay or to offer something to that person? For me it has been validation. Now I try to just offer out -- but it is still challenging to deal with it when it gets thrown back at me. I am not responsible for what someone does with my good intentions and spirit of love. Man that's a hard one to believe all the time.

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